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These risk assessments will help you to identify and understand the money laundering, terrorist financing risks. This in turn will help you decide whether you wish to accept the client, what level of customer due diligence (CDD) you will undertake and any additional steps you might wish to take to mitigate the risk posed. A risk assessment can also be a useful tool to understand your exposure to financial sanction risks.

This guide explains what risk assessments are, and how any business can apply them to combat money laundering while meeting their regulatory compliance obligations. Product demos of our AML risk assessment tool are open to financial institutions worldwide. To request a demo, please fill out form below and an ACAMS Risk Assessment representative will contact you. Multi-user platform helps identify money laundering risks within and across lines of business and assists in mitigating risk by filling the gaps in AML controls. Our globally standardized methodology validates scoring decisions, provides data and narratives on internal AML controls, and measures the effectiveness of control programs. Controls and control effectiveness evaluations are mapped against best practices and guidance from global authoritative sources, paving the way for better AML risk assessment standards.

aml risk assessment template

Residual risks, on the other hand, are what is left after you have taken steps to mitigate the inherent risks. Another way to view residual risks is as the gaps in your controls where there is still a chance that money laundering or other financial crimes could occur. However, developing an effective strategy for risk assessments for regulations like the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)/Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) can help alleviate these common concerns.

aml risk assessment template

Risk assessment templates used by financial institution firms are either in Excel, in a third-party platform, or built into and managed within an internal tool. Measures quantity of sanctions risk relating to an institution’s customer base, international transactions, e-banking products, and much more. Offers coverage for a full range of suspicious activities; from structuring to fraud, terrorist financing to money laundering, tax evasion to insider trading, and other financial crime activities in between.

A key document which should be accessible to anybody working with a particular client or on a particular matter. These factors should be evaluated before you implement any internal controls or mitigation so that you can gauge the effectiveness of your efforts later. Having adequate compliance staff is essential to the success of any AML program. Ensure that you have the appropriate number of staff available and that they have adequate training. The chief compliance officer will manage the training program and determine the qualifications the staff should have.

Regardless of whether a risk is found or not, the findings of and methods applied in the risk assessment should be recorded. This process should be reviewed every 12 to 18 months, or if a business undergoes any significant changes, and any necessary changes to internal procedures made. Check out infographic on Enterprise Risk Assessment and Customer Risk Assessment.

Assessing the risk level of each client is an essential part of the onboarding and know your customer process. At this stage, you should complete a sanction screening to confirm that the individual is not on an OFAC or any other Sanctions Lists. Risk assessments are a key component of any firm’s anti-money laundering (AML) tool kit, and can help businesses to measure the likelihood that they will inadvertently support or engage in criminal behaviour. To determine a customer’s overall risk rating, a select list of variables is assessed, and each one is rated as low, medium, or high risk.

  • Also read our article on risk-based approach in Anti-Money Laundering Compliance.
  • Step three will build on the initial documentation that you prepared, as it involves identifying the inherent and residual AML and CFT risks your organization is exposed to (AML customer risk assessment methodology.
  • This information will determine the best way to monitor transactions, validate identities, and file suspicious activity reports.

Refer to the Customer Identification Program, Customer Due Diligence, and Appendix J – Quantity of Risk Matrix sections for more information. It is also mandatory for regulated firms and supervisory authorities (i.e. the FCA, HMRC) to conduct their own risk assessments. They should seek to take into account the latest NRA findings and guidance when completing internal assessments. The NRA sets out the key money laundering and terrorist financing risks for the UK and any actions taken since 2017 to address those risks. Banks that choose to implement a consolidated or partially consolidated BSA/AML compliance program should assess risk within business lines and across activities and legal entities.

Our complete Anti Money Laundering (AML) Template & Training Toolkit covers all of the above policy templates. You can purchase the template toolkit alone or bundles with our in-house AML training workshop. Businesses that are covered by the Money Laundering Regulations have to use a risk-based approach to prevent money laundering. You can decide which areas of your business are at risk and put in place measures to prevent money laundering occurring by using what’s known as a ‘risk-based’ approach.

A matter risk assessment should focus on the specific risk factors that a matter presents, beyond, or different to, the client risks already identified. Likewise, your Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) might want to review your risk assessment process to determine whether your organization is putting in the appropriate effort to catch and prevent money laundering. To determine which clients are most likely to be involved with money laundering or other illicit activities, the assessment model looks at key risk indicators – or KRIs.

aml risk assessment template

We offer a large library of templates for regulatory policies, procedures, checklists, toolkits, manuals and training packages. Utilising Microsoft Office for compatibility and easy customisation, we provide editing and usage guidance with all templates. When paying by credit/debit card, all documents are available to download instantly and come with the first annual update included in the price. Our team has over 20 years experience and expertise in regulatory compliance and policy development. Serving a wide range of industries and business types, over 6000 organisations already use our templates and toolkits. The level of customisation required for each document will depend upon factors such as your size, scope and current compliance program.

KRIs refer to known vulnerabilities or aspects of a business that might attract criminals and money launderers. ACAMS Risk Assessment can provide financial institutions with objective, verifiable, standardized processes to help you respond to ever-growing risk assessment regulatory concerns. These programs are known by various other names (e.g., SMR, STR), but all are focused on the reporting of unusual/suspicious financial activity to competent authorities in a country. ACAMS Risk Assessment enables financial institutions to benefit from objective and verifiable guidance, as provided by global authoritative sources on sanctions risk management. Red Flag Alert can improve your risk assessment process by providing your business with fast access to reliable data on over 6.5 million businesses.

Any single indicator does not necessarily determine the existence of lower or higher risk. The template provides text examples, instructions, relevant rules and websites and other resources that are useful for developing an AML plan for a small firm. Risk assessments What Is AML Risk Assessment are essential for businesses that need to comply with anti-money laundering regulations. Not only can they help to protect the economy from the threat of financial crime, but they can also prevent financial and reputational damage to the organisations involved.

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